
Upholstery Cleaning | Omega Carpet Cleaning | 0406 996 819

Upholstery Cleaning

Upholstery Cleaning in Melbourne, VIC!
Looking at your lounge suite and thinking it’s seen better days? Why not book in for a professional clean by the experts? Omega Carpet Cleaning can bring new life back to your old couch.

Don’t throw your old couch away just because it has a few stains, call in the experts to give it a new lease on life!

We can assist with a wide range of upholstery cleaning, including:
Lounge Suite Cleaning, Outdoor Furniture Cleaning, and Commercial Upholstery Cleaning. Give us a call today.




Omega Carpet Cleaning
L24/10-570 Bourke St, Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia
0406 996 819

Steam Cleaning Melbourne
Carpet Cleaning Melbourne
Commercial Carpet Cleaning
Upholstery Cleaning
Office Carpet Cleaning

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